Ancient civilizations and even some modern ones celebrate birthdays not for the sole purpose of the person being born but to celebrate the demon that arrived with the person in this world. The soul.
I believe that the demon we hide inside us..'and don't take the word demon literally,because demon actually means godly',was brought with us to help us in certain situations or it's just our own true self.
We often hear phrases like''Do as you heart tells you to do or Do what your gut is telling you to do''.
In my opinion i believe that all those sentences referr to one particular thing.Our inner self,our true self.The one that at times is courageous or in others smart or even scared.
It's us.
I believe that all of us at some point in our lifes we heard a inner voice that tells us to do or do not do something.
Sometimes that demon makes us do great things.For example when we get out of our comfort zone or we do something we were afraid of doing.
The demon sometimes makes us do things that we don't want because we know that we shouldn't.
I won't give an example because all of us have one in our heads.
So my invitation to you is to accept your ''demon'' and let it run through you.But learn how to control it.Because that ''demon can take any shape or form like anger,frustration,sadness or even envy and lust.
So my advice to you so you can become one with your inner world is:
Every day sit somewhere silent and close your eyes(listen to music if that helps) and think about something relaxing like the slow sound of the waves.A simple trick to meditate is to try to focus your energy..i know it's gonna sound funny but..on your BUTT.Something you can try the next time you meditate.
Meditation will help you relax and through the day be more rejuvenated calm as well grounded and collected.
Any type of exersise is more than enought to release the ''tense or angry ''part of you demon.That will help you come closer to yourself ,your true self because you will push yourself beyond your comfort zone.Thus making your better,prouder and calmer.
-Eat right:
Eating healthy on a daily basis will only do you good.(I will have an article about that soon)
-Be sociable:
Aristotle said that we human beings where created to be with others.Loneliness can kill you or drive you mad.So go out there and meet good people that will help you express your feelings and your ideas,throughs, and most important your struggles.
-Study and read:
Expanding your horizons on any kind of aspect will help you realize things you didn't know,learn new things and grow smarter.And that's something very important for building that overall character.
-Be Honest:
Last but not least be true to yourself and to who you are.Don't lie to yourself but be realistic because only when we can be realistic with our own self we can grow and become better people.And that's and step towards building that connection with your inner YOU and will drive away from any jealousy and judgement towards other people.And honent people,kind ones are always preferred by other people.
So to close off,
I hope you found that article helpful.I invite you to become one with your own self and love him.Find your inner ''demon''and get in touch with him.Don't let him control you but be one with him.Cause only then you will start climbing the ladder towards being a better person-character.
Till next time..